When you visit, you will be reminded that you are a beloved child of God.  We will encourage each other to engage others with compassion as we seek to create a more just and peaceful world.

Check out our full Sunday Schedule

11:00am Blended Celebration

This service blends traditional and nature-based worship elements. It includes the morning message, songs, readings, and music from the Trinity Celebration Choir or the Trinity Earth Band.

Joys and concerns spoken aloud during prayer time nurture a sense of community. Don’t be surprised if you see children—or even a few grown-ups!—shaking maracas or beating drums in this expressive celebration.

The Morning Message

On most Sunday mornings, you will hear our lead minister’s carefully crafted, thought-provoking message. Other pastoral staff and members of the community may also take the circle to deliver the sermon.


Communion is served at both celebrations on the first Sunday of the month. Rainbow stoles reaffirming our commitment to full inclusion for LGBTQIA+ persons are available for those who wish to wear them on these days.

Images of Celebration

worship in the round
prayer wall
stained glass
special sermon series altar